Posted by: Joe Bavonese, PhD | December 14, 2007

Techno phobes

So many health care providers are simply afraid, intimidated, overwhelmed and otherwise terrified of technology. Several years ago a woman whose practice was way below what she wanted said to me, “I’m sorry but email just doesn’t fit my lifestyle.” Doesn’t fit your lifestyle? This unfortunately is the attitude of someone who has more of a hobby than a small business. I like the concept though – because answering the telephone really doesn’t fit my lifestyle. Retrieving voice mail messages, calling people back, getting their voice mail ad naseum is a terribly inefficient waste of my time versus email. But I use the phone like everyone else because it’s part of the fabric of business today.


The truth is that computers and websites are easier to use than ever before. Sure they’re not like toasters and probably never will be. They are merely useful tools for doing business. I’m getting so many referrals for my therapy practice from the web that I can’t imagine what life would be like without it. You put yourself at a huge competitive disadvantage to not use email or not have a website. Equally sad are the people who pay thousands for a website that just sits there and gets no visitors.

So if technology scares you or just doesn’t work for you, either take a class and learn how to do it or outsource it to someone else. Mastering the fundamentals of technology is no longer an option if you’re serious about practice success. Doing so will save you time, make you money and allow your gifts to reach many more people. Everyone wins.

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